Yahoo! Store Enhancements

Yahoo! Store Enhancements

Real-Time Order Status Page

Real-Time Order Status Page

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Increase efficiency, save precious time on the phone, and make your life easier with a real-time order status page.
Your customers will be able to check their order status in real time by simply entering their order number and zip code.

This enhancement will work with the following systems:
  • Order Motion / OMX
  • Stone Edge
  • Yahoo's built in order status page.
If you have a different order management system, and would like to use it, please contact us.
Real-Time Order Status Page
Signup Form
Please fill out the following form to get started. We will contact you within one business day to discusss installation and answer any questions you may have.
Your Name:
Email Address:
Company Name:
Website URL:
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How should we contact you?
Yahoo! Store Design Yahoo! Store Programming Yahoo! Store Backend Solutions